Thierry Porro, PGA Pro

Thierry Porro

In Thierry's own words:

I am a Golf teaching professional and golf event organiser who still plays and practises as often as possible so that I can play on the Pro-Am (and "Alliance") PGA circuit.

I started playing at the same club as Claude, so from an early age, when he started playing at the "Ecole de Golf" with François, I have watched him improve and grow into the player he is today. At a young age I saw his dedication, his maturity and early signs of professionalism. At barely 10 years old he spent hours on the putting green, fist clenched when the ball dropped into the hole. He has become an excellent amateur player and also a close friend.

Thanks to the various golf training courses I have followed, I'm able to share my observations and views with François and Claude regarding his game: recommending improvements and how to implement them.

I often play with Claude on many of our courses here in the South West of France, I do my best to make it difficult for him to beat me, to give him someone to compete against, to create competitive play. These rounds often help us identify where he can improve and give François guidance for how to improve his game.

I guess you could call me his sparring partner!

+33 (0)6 07 90 41 01

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