
Beatrice Churchward - Language Coaching sur Mesure

Mum works hard to help pay for my golfing activities, so I figure she deserves to feature prominently on the site.

Qualified and Experienced

Maman qualified as a teacher in England at Manchester Metropolitan University in 1997. She has over 25 years experience teaching English, French and German to all levels.

Qualiopi Certification

She has QUALIOPI certification so works extensively with local businesses such as Meriqc, Babcock Wanson, Bepco (to name a few) helping their employees use their CPF to become more proficient in English.


Maybe I'm a little bit biased but she truly is a great a teacher. The testimonials on her website will attest to this statement of excellence in her field.

  +33 (0)6 28 25 45 28
Beatrice Churchward Albret Golf Experience